Samantha's Last Week of School!!


1st Hour Gang | Jessie & Mrs. O | The Choir Girls | Enough Babbling...MORE PICTURES!! | More Pictures
The Choir Girls

Angie, Dena, Capri, & Kaela

Angie reminds me a little bit of me when I was a freshman just because she seemed to have trouble fitting in, but managed to always kept a smile on her face.  Angie and I started talking towards the end of the year and she's super nice and I think she can sing good.  A lot of people think she can't sing but I think they're just jealous of her because I used to be jealous of her singing lol but you know, some people are just born with the voice =)
Dena was my folder partner.  She's always hyper and talkative and can be fun to goof around with.  She's so sweet to everyone and loves to make people laugh.  I think she's also the person I know next to Tiffany to always come in on krutches from twisting her ankle LOL.  In my senior will, I willed her the name "Accident Prone" =) 
Capri sat next to me in choir and started talking to me one day at the beginning of the year during one of Mr. Stevenson's lectures about vocal abuse and he said that cheerleaders are always abusing their vocal choards and can't sing real well.  She was mad about that and we were just talking and eventually just became friends.  She's pretty cool and talkative and really nice.
Kaela and I were in 2nd hour gym together until I got it exempt and took up Media Assistant instead.  Kaela and I were kind of friends in that class but didn't start talking like almost everyday when we had 3rd hour together. She's super nice and I think an awesome athlete =)