Samantha's Last Week of School!!


1st Hour Gang | Jessie & Mrs. O | The Choir Girls | Enough Babbling...MORE PICTURES!! | More Pictures
1st Hour Gang

Amanda, Alicia, Gernise, Brandi, and Me =)

New Friends
Amanda~I've known her since 8th grade but we didn't like each other very much.  We didn't start talking until this year during first hour when we had to become partners for the story we wrote about aliens or whatever for our Creative Writing class.  She's a senior and I'm glad I got to know her better this year.  She's pretty cool and I wish her all the luck in the world =)
Alicia~I've known her through Alysa and Kathy since maybe freshmen/sohpomore year.  We weren't really friends until this year when she started sitting at me, Brandi, and Gernise's table.  She's really nice and doesn't have a mean bone in her!  I wish her all the luck in the world as well =)
Gernise *A*K*A* Nee-Nee~I've known Nee-Nee since junior year.  She was in my skill center class but we didn't talk much.  We eventually became friends in creative writing because she sat with me and Brandi.  She's really smart and super funny and a great singer!  I wish her success in everything she does, including trying to be apart of re-building Flint's downtown :-)
Brandi~I've known Brandi since 1st hour 1st semester (Heroes & Heriones).  We started talking when we were getting our senior pics done at the place she works at and then eventually became friends.  We have so many great memories and I love her to death! I consider Brandi one of my closests friends as well.  I wish her all the luck in the world and to have a wonderful future!

christinahands.jpg shy :-P

Christina~We met in our 1st hour 1st semester class as well and she also sat next to me, Brandi, and Alysa.  She played Scientist Jones and Silver Shadow's sidekick Jennifer in our radio program we had to make for that class.  Oh yeah, Brandi was Dr. Pyra lol.  I should post the script up even though the CD is so much funnier, especially Christina's voice as Scientist Jones.  Christina is a junior and I wish her luck with her senior year and may it be better than mine! :)

General Thoughts About First Hour
First hour was lots of fun and made lots of memories from it.  From making a radio program and comic book with Alysa, Christina, and Brandi to throwing a book at a dude and getting suspended for one day for it LOL.  Oh yeah, and Brandi, Nee-Nee, and me laughing our asses off about the suspension the whole time I came back doing impressions of each other and everything.  And who can forget the black hole jokes with Alysa? :)  I sure can't :)  I really miss waking up to everyone because really they all made me wake up because we'd be so silly in the morning.