Samantha's Last Week of School!!


1st Hour Gang | Jessie & Mrs. O | The Choir Girls | Enough Babbling...MORE PICTURES!! | More Pictures
Jessie & Mrs. O

Mrs. O looks like she's crying
Jessica & Mrs. Ostby (one of my favorite faculty members)

Jessie & Mrs. Ostby
I've known Jessica since sophomore year.  Jessica and I met through our friend Tiffany.  She's pretty cool to hang out with.  She makes me laugh.  She's also Sarah's friend as well.  I don't think Jessica and I ever gotten into a fight either LOL.
Mrs. Ostby already knew me from Sarah before I started working in the library second hour for senior year.  She's really awesome.  One time while the supervisor of the lirbary went out to a meeting, she let us have a birthday party for Sarah and the media secretary.  She always made me laugh and reminded me of a big kid.  I talked to her about everything and she even got to witness me and Sarah becoming friends again after hearing about our big fight which she thought was sad.  Mrs. Ostby is really thoughtful of everyone she knows and I will always remember her and I'll miss her bunches.