Samantha's Last Week of School!!
1st Hour Gang | Jessie & Mrs. O | The Choir Girls | Enough Babbling...MORE PICTURES!! | More Pictures

This is my photo album of the senior's last week of high school (well technically my last week).  I've made lots of new ones as well as gotten back friendships with some.  I'm glad to have met these people and to know them and i'm really going to miss them so much.
Senior year was a blast until me and my best friend Sarah were fighting, but luckily we made up on the senior's last day, May 23.  It was one of those now or never situations.    At the beginning of the school year, me and my best friend Tiffany made up as well after fighting for a year over a stupid boy.  We made up at our homecoming dance and I'm glad to have my two best friends who've been my best friends since freshman & sophomore years are my best friends senior year as well.
Ok without further in due, take a look around at my pics =)  Yeah I know I'm ugly in some of these but just deal okay? =) Okay!

Captain Frogger & Captain Candy
Tiffany & Me =)